Puget Sound Anglers



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State Board Information


Calendar for July

3 Whidbey Island General Meeting 

4 South Sound General Meeting  Cancelled

10 Gig Harbor General Meeting 

10 North Kitsap General Meeting 

10 Renton General Meeting 

 10 Sno-King General Meeting  

17 South King County  

 Club BBQ.


McKay Shrimp and Crab Gear

?? Eastside General Meeting 



18 Everett General Meeting 


18 Bellingham General Meeting   

16 Fidalgo - San Juan Islands General  Meeting 


24 Save Our Fish 

Ocean Anglers General Meeting  













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Get ready for some great salmon
fishing returns this summer. We should have some quality fish still coming
back. Last year out of Westport we did not get a single pale meated king. All
were a red/orange colored meat and these were fall kings too. Our fish found
the krill. They were better tasting than the coho!


Shrimping was pretty good for us locally. I was able to get out my three young granddaughters. This is what life is all about. Teaching them about our environment and resources. They really enjoy this as much as I do watching them, whether its fishing, crabbing, or shrimping. They can’t wait to do it again! Make sure to kids and grandkids out on the water. This is why we fight so hard to bring back the fish so they too, can enjoy what we have, and for future generations.



We are starting to get people to understand what we have been doing for the last 30 years has not been working so why keeping doing the same thing? Its time to use reality to fix fisheries.



Facts that people need to understand to help us fix our fisheries:



1. There is no such thing as a “wild” Chinook in Washington State (or pure Gene bank fish) they were wiped out commercially 120-130 years ago. What we have left are mixed stocks that are descendants of many strains of different fish to rebuild.



2. Our estuaries where these massive runs of schools used to reside/spawn now are mostly dirt.



3. 99% of the natural spawners (so called wild) eggs get washed down the rivers now do to the 60-year floods that come every year or two. We straightened the rivers and channelized them to get the water out to sea quickly to ward off floods, as well as used for transportation starting in the 1880s. This increased the velocity of the rivers. Therefore, hatchery eggs are under human oversight and are protected from these conditions-the reason they survive better.



4. When DNA was brought about, salmon and steelhead had already been transferred from river to river to rebuild runs. The toothpaste is not only out of the tube but was washed down the rivers many decades ago. Now ESA is trying to protect a fish that really is no longer there. By establishing them as distinct population units, means you have to use the same stock in that river now to rebuild it when it is already crashing. This prevents us from quickly rebuilding river runs.



Get out on the water and enjoy our resources while PSA continues to fight for you and your family. Join your local PSA Chapter.





·       Ron Garner President PSA    



Point Nopoint Fiasco



Pod cast on Ocra Whales with Butch Smith from Coho Charters    



Article on Salmon and Damvs    



Protecting Washington’s Yelloweye Rockfish 



Rockfish Identification Flyer    



Video - Rockfish are back!!



Did you know that some yelloweye rockfish that are here today were Washington residents before it became a state in 1889? They have been and continue to be an important part of our heritage.



Halibut and bottomfish fishing have also been a part of Washington’s culture for hundreds of years. Many generations of fishermen have relied on halibut and bottomfish for food and recreation.



Fishery Management



A recent stock assessment indicates that the yelloweye rockfish population has declined over 80% from its initial level.  As a result, immediate action must be taken if the stocks of these long-lived fish are to be rebuilt. 



To rebuild yelloweye rockfish populations, the harvest opportunities for this species must be severely curtailed.  In recent years, the Pacific Fishery Management Council has set yelloweye rockfish harvest levels for all commercial, recreational, and tribal fisheries combined for California, Oregon, and Washington of about 17 metric tons (mt). This number includes yelloweye rockfish that are discarded at sea.



The Washington recreational harvest target is about 2.7 mt (fewer than 1,000 fish) in coastal waters.  To put this in perspective, in 2001, the Washington recreational fishery harvested 15 mt.



Halibut Fishery in Jeopardy 



Yelloweye rockfish, in general, are harvested during the Washington recreational halibut fishery.  If the yelloweye rockfish catch is projected to exceed 2.7 mt, then Pacific ocean waters adjacent to Washington outside 25 fathoms will be closed to recreational bottomfish fishing (including halibut). 






If yelloweye rockfish cannot be avoided when anglers are targeting halibut, then we may have to close recreational halibut fishing in the future to protect yelloweye rockfish.  Because the yelloweye rockfish stock may not be rebuilt for over 100 years, the problem of managing the yelloweye fishery will continue through our lifetime; however, you have the ability to help save the halibut fishery now and preserve the yelloweye resource for the future.



Yelloweye Rockfish Facts: 



·         Live to be 120 years old



·         Range extends from Mexico to Alaska



·         Found in deeper, rocky bottom areas



·         Slow growing,low productive species



·         Reddish-orange in color with bright yelloweye



·         Commonly called "red snapper"



·         Often spend their entire lifetime on one rockpile



How You Can Help  



·         If you are participating in the recreational halibut or bottomfish fishery, please avoid areas that are known to have yelloweye rockfish.



·         If you do accidentally catch a yelloweye, please return to the water s soon as possible.



·         Help spread the word to others about the severity of the yelloweye rockfish depleted population and the possible consequences of not avoiding yelloweye areas



·         If you do not know what areas may have yelloweye rockfish, please consult a local resort, motel, or charter office or other expert before fishing



Great rockfish recompression video







